Several Important Ways Of Paper Editing


When you write an academic paper, you have to follow some standards and requirements, such as: strict word limit, the exact level of academic writing, placing the material in logical and clear order, following grammar and style standards. However, writing sometimes referrers to different requirements and it is not always easy to follow the standards during the act of creating, as writing, first of all, is a matter of inspiration and creativity, not structuring and logic. That’s why it is very important to separate the terms editing and writing. Some information about editing and proofreading services in the Internet may also be very useful. These actions are different and require from paper editor different knowledge and deeds. Follow these steps and other advices about writing and paper editing and your writing will get the highest marks. Every process, even editing, needs a plan. Try proofreading your paper systematically and thoroughly. If you have difficulties, there is paper proofreading service.

What is Paper Editing?

On our editing web service we can designate editing as a complex of revising and criticizing actions that help you to make your paper looking better. Usually term ‘editing’ is closely connected with another term - ‘proofreading’, as they both refer to search and correction of mistakes. However, proofreading is known as a final step of editing. For many students word ‘editing’ can bring negative or positive experience, depending on their humor or mood, but still it is a main part of your paper creation, when you can get acquainted to your text and make it the best. If it is difficult for you to make your own plan or you need some information about editing, you can find it in different sources or find online editing service.

Getting Ready To Edit Paper

On our site the best proofreaders always give advices for those who want to proofread their papers. They have even developed a system of actions that helps to proofread with the best result. When you finish writing your paper, you have to wait for some time and let your mind rest. Editing of the paper requires huge work, so it is useful to prepare to it properly. First of all, try choosing different places of work. You can edit your writing in the computer, using grammar checkers and online services or print out your writing and put books and dictionaries all round yourself. We recommend both ways, as they involve different mind activities and bring more results. Prepare as much useful literature as possible: articles, style description, grammar and punctuation study books etc. Online paper editor hired in the Internet can be the last chance for somebody, especially if there is no free time. Try to help yourself by all means: cut yourself off all spoilers, noises and other work. A good way to edit your paper better is to record all your notes and observations. It will help you to structure your actions and not forgetting any ideas. Believe us, it is very disappointing to lose re-phrasing, for example and find it back as a professor’s correction later.

Prepare An Editing Plan

Lots of our clients ask u for help, because they do not know how to edit their papers or they are just sick and tired of continuous bad results. That’s why we are here. Our site’s editors will try to help you. Here are some information they give concerning good editing. Editing, as a complex of activities, requires a good plan. Of course, you can just follow your text paragraph by paragraph, but it is not a good idea. In order to be more effective, divide the editing process into several activities.

Here is a simple example of a plan that can help you to edit your paper:

  1. Following all academic severities. Describe and explain your research, make sure that the text meets its requirements and answers the task of the paper. Make sure that the text is structured logically.
  2. Reduce the abundance. You need to get rid of all abstract or unnecessary information or explanations. It also touches irrelevant material, no matter how interesting it is.
  3. Check the consistency of the paper. Make sure that all tenses, voices and styles are followed properly.
  4. Check the structure of the paper. Make sure that the future reader will be able to find all needed information easily, do not make him searching for any term deeply.
  5. Proof read your paper. Check it for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.

Well, now we have a simple plan of what is needed to be done. Let’s follow it step by step. The first step refers to the very essence of academic writing. Your paper must follow different academic criteria in order to be named an academic writing. It is very helpful to ask yourself two simple questions for the first time: “What did I try to do and was I successful?” and “What was I trying to say and did I do it?” You need to prove that you did everything required in the subject and task of the paper. When you are involved into the research, it may be very easy to think that you have explained everything easily. However, sometimes you leave reader to fill in the gaps. Make sure that all the needed information and explanations are done. Also, make sure that you answer a reader’s imagine question “Why should I believe it?”, so make the logical thesis and conclusions. The process may seem to be too complicated. If it is so, make sure to ask us for some help. Our editors are always ready for the new challenge.

Simplify And Shorten Your Paper

Sometimes the parts of your writing can be interesting and well-written, but, if they do not help to form the thread of the paper, they need to be removed or rewritten. When our clients come to us, we have to change a lot of sentences, so we know about it as no one else. Also it is useful to simplify the phrases used in your paper. For many of them you can find shorter synonyms or analogs. Try using active tense as much as possible. In this linguistic forum you can find more information about shortening your paper. However, sometimes you need to edit your paper to enlarge the number or words. In this case these additions may be useful:

  • Increase the amount of comments;
  • Think how the research could have been done better;
  • Be more generous with linking and summarizing;
  • Develop the ideas, add conclusions;
  • Provide extra rationale by answering the questions “So what?” and “Why do I need to believe it?”.

It is essential that the words you add only enrich the academic weight of you paper but not only fill in the free spaces.

Editing Fatigue

By this term people designate the sickness that appears after long time of editing. You have to recognize it when it appears, as it may reduce your efforts very quickly. In order to get rid of fatigue, try approach to editing process for several times, make some pauses, do not stretch out the work for the whole day or night. This may be a reason for a bad mark. If you are short in time, try out our service. We can make your paper look better even in 12 hours after placing an order.

The Final Steps

 Make your paper’s proofreading relevant to your own writing. Check all the tables and diagrams, sometimes appendix is very important. Make sure that quotation follows the style’s requirements. We cannot say that editing is an easy action, and not every person can handle it, but, luckily, there is a paper editing service on the web that can do it for you. Anyway, if you hesitate and you are not sure about the result, ask us for help.

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